my jews in germany
my jews in switzerland
my jews in japan
I always thought I prefer to show my jews in germany it would be nice very nice today to show my jews in germany today in todays germany germany not of that time but to show my jews in todays germany. today my jews in germany. to maintain the difference between jews and the others, to be forced to maintain a visible difference through these pictures and to do the statements of that visible difference, what, hopefully, is not visible in the paintings isn’t realized and hopefully not there in the pictures not to be seen in the paintings but maybe, and also maybe not through the main titel my jews, and the history, and my information, my storytelling, and my statements to the single paintings of the installation.
the house would be not only building, the animal not only animal, the men, the women, the children not only what you see, but also what I maintain and how I name the pictures: my jews in germany require a different reaction than in switzerland. in germany always and still today is this heavy opressive past through the naming: my jews.
in switzerland there is rather a naive astonishment or full ignorance, a lack of interest, my jews in switzerland could be also in general my strangers or in switzterland I could change my storytelling from my jews into my muslims, the building wouldn’t be funeral but a mosque, the headgear would be adjusted to the islam and the animals I don’t know.
my jews in japan jews in japan are the strangers/the foreign/the unknown, and – if I may suppose while writing – maybe there are no jews in japan japan without jewish refugees/emigrants in the time of that time japan in alliance with nazigermany, japan free of jews (judenfrei), my jews go to japan. HOW BEAUTIFUL! maybe it’s possible japanese people could see something completely different in the work my jews HOW BEAUTIFUL! my statements at the same time simultaneous to a free interpretation or maybe no interpretation at all but only looking only seeing in japan to look without to know only to look/to see anyhow a unprejudiced look, to see without statement, to have this wild look onto my jews without my jews. the information later won’t destroy but complete the first wild impression.
HOW BEAUTIFUL! everybody says so looking at my watercolors without information with a wild look at my watercolors how beautiful! like flowers or mandalas or or or. they are not flowers nor mandalas or or or, they are exclusively and only atomic bombs – after the wild look there comes the knowing/perception/realization (erkenntnis), after the wild the zivilisation, the statement, the naming, the storytelling, the history or or or.
miriam cahn 2011
(translation miriam cahn)